Monday, June 20, 2011

It was great to see many of you and your swimmers today! Here are a few quick reminders to help get us off to a great season!

  1. We will be handing out medical releases at practice and need them filled out and returned ASAP. You can also pick one up at the front desk.
  2. Our annual Pancake Breakfast is on FRIDAY JUNE 24TH, from 12-2pm. If you are planning on coming, please either email us or sign up on the YELLOW SHEET on our bulletin board. We will need volunteers, food donations, and swimmers!
  3. We need the yellow meet sign up and volunteer sheets back by WEDNESDAY so we can enter your swimmer into meets. We cannot enter swimmers without this form. Copies of these 2 forms will be sent via email if you’ve misplaced them.
  4. There is no invitational meet at Springfield (CRVS).
  5. We have our FIRST MEET on SUNDAY, at the Upper Valley Aquatic Center. If there is a change in whether or not your swimmer will be attending (different from the yellow sheet you handed in), please let us know.

See you at practice!

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