Friday, July 19, 2013

Health and Safety Update: Ears, Eyes and Skin

As everyone heads to the lakes and rivers, don't forget to take care of your ears! The bacterial counts in fresh water is higher than our chlorinated pool, and every year we have at least a handful of swimmers who end up with the painful condition. After lake or river swimming, a little water can get trapped in the ear, and it is a perfect environment for bacterial growth.

If your child is complaining of an ear ache, and he or she says it hurts when you tug on the earlobe or press on the tragus (that funny bump on the ear), it is a good idea to get your kiddo to the doctor for a check. Ask your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns.

For a simple and cheap preventative solution, please click the Mayo Clinic link provided for information about how to prevent Swimmer's ear.

SWIMMER'S EAR Prevention Info

Also, please take care of your eyes and body by keeping your equipment and body clean. Try to shower soon after an open water swim and be sure to change or clean your contacts after open water swimming. Barbara Hummel, head coach of the UV Rays, also recommends swabbing your goggles with a Q-Tip and some anti-bacterial soap to prevent eye infections.

When entering the water, don't forget to check for plants such as poison ivy, poison parsnip or giant hogweed. All of those plants can create havoc on an otherwise great summer day! Poison parsnip and giant hogweed are sun-reactive, and the sap can create chemical burns on the skin when exposed to UV rays.

We want everyone to have as much time on swim team as possible, and we hope this helps keep our swimmers as healthy and as safe as possible!

Happy swimming!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

On the Horizon


Believe it or not, it's already time to start thinking about Leagues and States!  For those of you who are new to the team, this post will give some preliminary information about what to expect. 
Leagues: Saturday July 28th at Rutland
This is a meet for all swimmers with all of the teams in the Southern Vermont Swim League.  10&under swimmers will compete in the morning and 11&over swimmers will compete in the afternoon.  We do not have specific warmup and start times yet, but we will let you know as soon as we do.
States: August 3rd and 4th at UVAC
This is the final meet of the season and is open only to those swimmers who have qualified.  Qualifying times are posted on the bulletin board and are available here:
Each day there is a morning and afternoon session, and, like usual, 10&unders swim in the mornings and 11&overs swim in the afternoon.  Swimmers can qualify up through Leagues.  In order to be eligible, swimmers must have competed in a total of THREE meets prior to States.  We will soon be emailing about eligibility.

Please don't hesitate to ask if you have questions about either of these two meets!

Happy Swimming,
Maddie and Sam

Monday, July 15, 2013

Update 7/15/13


Hope you've all recovered from last week and are ready to take on another!  Tomorrow we have a meet at Rockingham.  Swimmers should arrive between 4:45 – 5:00 pm.  Directions can be found here:  Because it's an away meet, we WILL NOT have afternoon practice tomorrow. 

Our annual Distance Swim will take place this Friday at Silver Lake.  This is open to swimmers 13 years and over.  We will be handing out permission slips with much more information!  We also need at least one adult to accompany us in a canoe/kayak; if you're interested please let us know!

Just a reminder for parents: as the weather stays hot, make sure swimmers bring water with them to practice.  Dehydration is nothing to mess with and we want to make sure all our swimmers are safe.

HUGE thanks to Steve Hiller who was able to secure for us a big batch of new pull buoys, kickboards, and swimming fins.  This new equipment will increase our ability to effectively teach all our Swim Team skills.  Thanks again Steve!  And thanks to everyone who donated time, money, and supplies for the Pancake Brunch.  The money raised will allow us to purchase even more equipment for our swimmers!  

Happy Swimming,
Maddie, Nicola, and Sam